.value { sRules } | Class | Partial | Yes | Yes |
#value { sRules } | ID | Yes | Yes | Yes |
E { sRules } | Type | Yes | Yes | Yes |
* { sRules } | Universal | No | Yes | Yes |
ns|E { sRules } | Namespaced | No | No | No |
[att=val] { sRules } | Equality [=] | No | Yes | Yes |
[att] { sRules } | Existence [] | No | Yes | Yes |
[att|=val] { sRules } | Hyphen [|=] | No | Yes | Yes |
[att~=val] { sRules } | Whitespace [~=] | No | Yes | Yes |
[ns|attr] { sRules } | Namespaced | No | Yes | Yes |
[att^=val] { sRules } | Prefix [^=] | No | Yes | Yes |
[att*=val] { sRules } | Substring [*=] | No | Yes | Yes |
[att$=val] { sRules } | Suffix [$=] | No | Yes | Yes |
E + F { sRules } | Adjacent Sibling (+) | No | Yes | Yes |
E > F { sRules } | Child (>) | No | Yes | Yes |
E F { sRules } | Descendant | Yes | Yes | Yes |
E ~ F { sRules } | General Sibling (~) | No | Yes | Yes |
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:first-child { sRules } | :first-child | No | Yes | Yes |
:focus { sRules } | :focus | No | No | Yes |
:hover { sRules } | :hover | Partial | Yes | Yes |
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:visited { sRules } | :visited | Yes | Yes | Yes |
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:nth-last-child() { sRules } | :nth-last-child() | No | No | No |
:nth-of-type() { sRules } | :nth-of-type() | No | No | No |
:nth-last-of-type() { sRules } | :nth-last-of-type() | No | No | No |
:last-child { sRules } | :last-child | No | No | No |
:first-of-type { sRules } | :first-of-type | No | No | No |
:last-of-type { sRules } | :last-of-type | No | No | No |
:only-child { sRules } | :only-child | No | No | No |
:only-of-type { sRules } | :only-of-type | No | No | No |
:empty { sRules } | :empty | No | No | No |
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:not(X) { sRules } | :not() | No | No | No |
:enabled { sRules } | :enabled | No | No | No |
:disabled { sRules } | :disabled | No | No | No |
:checked { sRules } | :checked | No | No | No |
:indeterminate { sRules } | :indeterminate | No | No | No |
:default { sRules } | :default | No | No | No |
:valid { sRules } | :valid | No | No | No |
:invalid { sRules } | :invalid | No | No | No |
:in-range { sRules } | :in-range | No | No | No |
:out-of-range { sRules } | :out-of-range | No | No | No |
:required { sRules } | :required | No | No | No |
:optional { sRules } | :optional | No | No | No |
:read-only { sRules } | :read-only | No | No | No |
:read-write { sRules } | :read-write | No | No | No |
:after { sRules } | :after | No | No | Yes |
:before { sRules } | :before | No | No | Yes |
:first-letter { sRules } | :first-letter | Yes | Yes | Yes |
:first-line { sRules } | :first-line | Yes | Yes | Yes |
::before { sRules } | ::before | No | No | No |
::after { sRules } | ::after | No | No | No |
::first-letter { sRules } | ::first-letter | No | No | No |
::first-line { sRules } | ::first-line | No | No | No |
::selection { sRules } | ::selection | No | No | No |
::value { sRules } | ::value | No | No | No |
::choices { sRules } | ::choices | No | No | No |
::repeat-item { sRules } | ::repeat-item | No | No | No |
::repeat-index { sRules } | ::repeat-index | No | No | No |
{ sRule!important? } | !important Declaration | Partial | Yes | Yes |
{ list-style : sStyle } | list-style | Yes | Yes | Yes |
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Internet Explorer 8 seems to be better than any previous version of IE. IE8 is very stable and rarely crashes or cause blue screens.
Very nice article and resource. One thing though: When I select the CSS3 option, all your options that start with an O are interpreted as surprised emoticons since its matching the colon and the o. You might want to either disable that or otherwise circumvent it.
The only other thing: I’d get rid of either “Since” or “which” in your opening sentence–it reads awkward otherwise.
So, two very minor criticism and everything else is beautiful: well laid out, works well, is attractive.